2025 - 2026 Fall, Winter, Spring
Court Time Rates
To apply for seasonal court time, just send in the 2025-2026 Seasonal Court Time Application.
If you are a current Seasonal Court Time Player and interested in renewing your court time, then please email MontgomeryTennisPlexInfo@gmail.com to reserve your spot.
2025-2026 Seasonal and Spot Court Rates
(Effective September 2, 2025)
Monday through Friday (rates per hour per day)
6am to 4pm
4pm to 8pm
8pm to 9pm
9pm to 11pm
Seasonal Court Time Rates
$865.00 (~$22/hr)
Not Available*
$1,730.00 (~$45/hr)
$1,335.00 (~$35/hr)
Indoor Spot Rates
NIGHT OWL: $30/hr
Outdoor Spot Rates
Saturday THROUGH Sunday (rates per hour per day)
6am to 8am
8am to 7pm
7pm to 9pm
9pm to 11pm
Seasonal Court Time Rates
$1,260.00 (~$33/hr)
$1,730.00 (~$45/hr)
$1,335.00 (~$35/hr)
$1,335.00 (~$35/hr)
Indoor Spot Rates
NIGHT OWL: $30/hr
Outdoor Spot Rates
*Important Notes
Monday through Friday from 4pm to 8pm will not be available for seasonal court time.
8% Sales/Admin Tax will be added to the rates listed above.
September 2, 2025 to May 24, 2026 (38 WEEKS)
Montgomery TennisPlex is pleased to announce our 13th season! We are proud to offer the best indoor tennis courts in Montgomery County to our most loyal tennis patrons.
We have twelve (10) beautiful indoor hard courts and four (4) beautiful lighted outdoor hard courts in South Germantown Recreational Park. The indoor courts are under three air-conditioned bubbles for comfortable year-round play. The United States Tennis Association rewarded Montgomery TennisPlex as an "Outstanding Facilities Award Winner."
There will be no Seasonal Court Time reservations on the following holidays:
Thanksgiving Day (November 27, 2025)
Christmas Eve (December 24, 2025)
Christmas Day (December 25, 2025)
New Year's Eve (December 31, 2025)
New Year's Day (January 1, 2026)
Here are a few 2025-2026 TennisPlex Seasonal Court Time benefits:
If you are a Weekday Daytime Tennis Subscriber, you will receive 15% OFF your Seasonal Court Time.
Convenience to play tennis and get regular exercise -- even during high-demand times -- without the need to make reservations.
Competitive season court time rates compared to other local indoor tennis facilities.
Seasonal reservations will be on a "first come first served" basis - no lottery.
One make-up week may be rescheduled for similarly priced court time with seven days’ notice (e.g., a week may be added at the end of the season).
"Incumbent" seasonal court time players (who had contracts for the 2024-2025 season) have 1st option on the same court time in the 2025-2026 season.
SPECIAL PROMO: 2025 Spring/Summer Courts
If you pay the full Seasonal Court Time amount by March 16, 2025 then you will receive 30 FREE Spring/Summer indoor court time hours until August 24, 2025 PLUS a $100 Tennis Topia gift card (only one $100 gift card per court for seasonal court time account holders).
Reserve your FREE Spring/Summer court time hours 3 days in advance by calling 240-477-4430 or emailing us at MontgomeryTennisPlexInfo@gmail.com.
Your FREE Spring/Summer court time hours can be any day/time based on court availability.
How to Apply for 2025-2026 Seasonal Court Time?
Submit the 2025-2026 Seasonal Court Time Application.
Make a $200 deposit through your online Court Reserve account. The initial $200 deposit is due on May 1, 2025. The balance payment for Seasonal Court Time is due on June 1, 2025. If full payment is not received by this date, then courts will be released, and deposits will not be returned.
If you pay the full Seasonal Court Time amount by March 16, 2025 then you will receive 30 FREE Spring/Summer indoor court time hours until August 24, 2025 PLUS a $100 Tennis Topia gift card (only one $100 gift card per court for seasonal court time account holders).
If seasonal court time requests are received on or after June 2, 2025, then confirmation will be based on court availability at the time of receipt. Full payment is due upon confirmation of court time.
If the final payment is made after September 2, 2025, a $100 late fee will be charged. Final payment must be made in one single payment by check or credit card (3% transaction credit card fee will be applied).
Dates and Holidays
Please check your calendars before requesting seasonal court time! Refunds are not allowed for unused time.
There will be no Seasonal Court Time reservations on the following holidays:
Thanksgiving Day (November 27, 2025)
Christmas Eve (December 24, 2025)
Christmas Day (December 25, 2025)
New Year's Eve (December 31, 2025)
New Year's Day (January 1, 2026)
Montgomery TennisPlex Seasonal Court Time Policies
Club Hours are 6:00am to 11:00pm. 7 days a week.
All seasonal time requests are on a "first come first served" basis.
Seasonal time must be reserved for at least one hour on the hour.
We will inform you if you received your choice(s) and, if necessary, discuss back-up options.
If application is not accepted, we will return your deposit.
The TennisPlex reserves the right to change court assignments at any time.
Re-sales and/or transfers of seasonal court time rights may occur only with written approval by a Montgomery TennisPlex staff member.
All players must provide their name, mailing address, email address, at least one phone number and a signed waiver before they play. Captains are responsible to ensure that all who play on their court have submitted signed waivers to the TennisPlex.
All players must check in at front desk before playing to confirm court assignment and, if needed, to sign waivers.
Seasonal contracts will not include the holiday dates listed above.
Successful applicants and all players must sign a release and indemnity (waiver) form.
Montgomery TennisPlex Spot Time Policies
Club Hours are 6:00am to 11:00pm. 7 days a week.
Spot time rates are listed above.
Spot time refers to individual court time reservations as opposed to seasonal court time, which lasts an entire 38-week season.
Tennis courts are for public use.
All courts must be reserved and paid for before play begins.
Courts may be reserved in 1-hour or 2-hour increments (on the hour) during Club Hours, 7:00am-11:00pm. 7 days a week
Spot time reservations may be made up to 72 hours in advance by going through the online CourtReserve account court sheet platform.
The TennisPlex reserves the right to change court assignments at any time.
Cancellations for all courts must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the court time reservation; otherwise the reserving player will be charged in full for the court time.